On September 11, 2007, Fred and Jessica were blessed with a beautiful baby boy, Jack Salas. Jack was raised with love, appreciation, gratitude, empathy, kindness, humor, faith in God, and respect for others. Jack consistently brought home grades and honors that exceeded most parents' expectations. Jack made friends easily with his bright warm smile and firm handshake. He loved football, racing cars, video games, and The Star Wars and Rocky movies. On the morning of February 1, 2018, Jack succumbed to an asthma attack at his home. Although the medical professionals at St. Judes Hospital were able to get him breathing again, Jack never regained consciousness. On February 3rd, after 3 days at the Children's Hospital of Orange County, Jack was declared deceased by the State of California. It was on this day that Fred and Jessica made the best decision they could've made under the circumstances and Jack became an Organ Donor. Over the next 2 days, OneLegacy, the procurement organization in Southern California, selected the best candidates to receive Jack's organs. On the evening of February 5th, 2018, Fred, Jessica, his brother Jeffrey and his sister Hanah wheeled Jack through the hallways of CHOC into the operating room so that he could save the lives of others. This walk is known as the "Honor Walk". Jack was 10 years old when he passed. We were blessed with this Ten-Year Gift and we are proud of the boy we raised and the legacy he left behind...Jack donated his precious organs...5 lives saved so far.
"I love my life!"
- Jack Salas